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Study finds Poles among most satisfied in Europe

31.10.2024 01:00
Poles are more satisfied with their lives than many other Europeans, according to a recent study by the EU's statistics office.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Poland’s life satisfaction level was rated at 7.6 points last year, a slight decrease from 7.7 points in 2022, the Eurostat statistics agency reported earlier this month.

Finland held the highest satisfaction level among European Union countries last year, scoring 7.8 out of 10.

Life satisfaction was also notably high in Belgium, Austria, Slovenia and Romania, each with a score of 7.7 points.

At the opposite end was Bulgaria, where citizens reported the lowest level of satisfaction, at 5.9 points.

The EU average stood at 7.3 points in 2023.


Source: biznes.interia.pl